Presidenta del Consejo deDirección de la Universidad Europea EUNICE y Vicerrectora de Internacionalización y Compromiso Global, Universidad de Cantabria
Matxalen Llosa studied Biology at the University of Seville and received her PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Cantabria in 1992. She has conducted postdoctoral research at Brown and Berkeley Universities in the United States, after which she returned to the University of Cantabria as a tenured professor. She is currently professor of Genetics at said institution. She leads a research group focused on the study of bacterial processes for DNA and protein transfer, which was selected, together with ten other groups, to form the new IBBTEC Research Institute in 2007. Its main objectives are to decipher the molecular mechanism of these processes, as well as to transform them into biotechnological tools for the transfer of DNA and proteins to any cell type, including the transfer of DNA to human cells. She recently completed a research sabbatical at Yale University.