Transforming Higher Education: Curricular and Alternative Credentials aims to create a space for decision-makers that fosters the analysis and discussion of the challenges facing global higher education. The objective is to promote solutions and learning that drive the development of individuals, countries, and their institutions.

This gathering seeks to promote effective collaboration between leaders of educational institutions and experts in higher education to co-create the future of higher education by integrating the concept of Credentials. These credentials recognize and make evident knowledge, skills, and competencies, thus enriching professional profiles and facilitating entry into the job market.

Transforming Higher Education: Curricular Credentials and Alternatives is an exclusive, invitation-only event for University Presidents, who may be accompanied by relevant executives from their institution. The event will take place from January 23 to 25, 2024, in Monterrey, Mexico, parallel to the IFE Conference, formerly known as CIIE, the International Congress on Educational Innovation.
